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Must Have Monday - - sport suncreen

Many of you know I started playing Tennis. I realized really quickly that my daily  under make-up sunscreen wasn’t going to cut it. It’s hot in Augusta and when you are playing tennis for an hour + in 95 degree weather... sweat is a serious problem. The first couple of times I played,  sweat and sunscreen just dripped off my face and often into my eyes... burning and making it difficult to see.

So I knew I have to get something with  a little more aggressive spf and something designed for sweat. I researched and looked on amazon. I landed on a few different products to try. The two winners of the bunch are these.

The neutrogena sport is oil free and designed not to sweat off. It is also spf 70. I have been happy with the coverage and protection so far. I like that it isn’t greasy and feels nice on my skin. A little goes a long way. I use it on my face, ears, chest and neck.

The second product was completely new to me. I hadn’t heard of a product like this. I have heard great things about this brand, but hadn’t tried it. This is a Supergoop product is a finish spray with SPF 50.  This is perfect for on top of make-up at a ball game, beach, tailgate or pool. If you are a person that likes to wear make-up while working out this is a perfect addition to your routine. I have used it a couple of times. It has a light fine mist and is easy to use right on top of your normal face routine.

I ordered both on Amazon, but I’m sure you could find it locally as well.


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