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Laundry Stain Removal

So, recently a friend of mine asked me to get a stain out of her  shirt for her. That got me thinking, gosh, do I do something that other people don’t. So here’s my blog post on stain removal. Glamorous and sexy it is not.

If you are like me, and have kids it is a necessity. The amount of time I’ve been doing laundry is kind of outrageous , but I have three kids and a husband and all of them like to wear clean clothes every day. Laundry is a necessary task, so we might as well all have a few tricks up our sleeve.

For pretreating,  I use your everyday average stain treatment products. Shout, oxyclean etc. What I’m talking about today are tough, dried in stains. This treatment works great for ground in grass or mud, armpits stains... but especially anything oily or greasy.  I must give credit where credit is due, I learned about this product from my mother in law years ago and have been using it ever since!

Fels-Naptha! It is a bar of laundry soap. I buy mine at my local Wal-Mart neighborhood market. It is cheap... under $2. You can also order it on Amazon. It lasts forever, so you definitely don’t need more than one bar.

Here’s how I use it!

I have mine in a small plastic container because when I am getting ready to use it I add water to get it sudsy. I use an old baby toothbrush. It’s soft and easy on fabrics.  I wet the spots where the stains are, scrub the brush along the soap and get to work. I like to scrub and then let it set for a few minutes before washing it. 

I’ve had this bar of Fels-Naptha since we moved in this house... 2 1/2 years ago. A little goes a long way and it lasts forever. You can use the bar right on the fabric, but I like the brush to really get the fibers clean! Now you know my secret! Stubborn stains be gone. Laundry is definitely a work of the heart.


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