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Self Care

I don't know about you, but whenever I heard the term "Self-Care" it was on morning television or chick flicks. When I thought of 'Self-Care', I thought of over priced spa treatments, girls weekends and splurge worthy shopping trips. When I first became a mom, those things weren't feasible for me.  We could barely afford for me to stay home, let alone visit a salon or spa regularly. It has taken me awhile to understand the true definition of the term.

With more experience and children I understand self-care differently.  It literally means taking TIME to take care of YOURSELF.  If your life looks at all like mine, stay at home mom with three young kids, or you are working and trying to do it all, finding time is hard.  Between the cleaning, cooking, laundry, drop offs, sports practices etc etc etc the list is ever-growing.  Time, in our culture, is our most valuable commodity.  Time for a mom, is a diamond in the rough.  Finding time for yourself in the to do list laden everyday is precious.  So how do you do it?  Good question.  Sometimes, something's got to give.  Sometimes the dishes can wait.  Sometimes it's that basket of laundry.  Sometimes it's lightening the social calendar.

What does it look like?  Well, that is an easy answer.  It is different for everybody.  If you know me at all, whether digitally or in real life, you know I am always saying something to the effect of 'you have to know yourself'.  Another way to look at self care is feeding your soul.  What energizes you?  What refreshes your mind?  Gives you a positive outlook on life?  These things may change during different stages of life.  Are you an introvert or extrovert? For some people having coffee with a friend charges them up or getting together with a large group feeds their energy levels.  For others it may be a few moments of quiet in the morning in meditation and prayer.

For me, I have found that I must move my body.  I am not a fitness guru.  I do not have an instagram worthy figure, but I love to be active.  I play volleyball a couple of times a week, fitness classes and regular walks around the neighborhood. I find that I have more energy when I start my day with a nice 2-3 mile walk around the neighborhood pushing my almost 2 year old. We stop at the community playground and burn some of her energy.  Sometimes we have a friend join us, more often than not we go just the two of us.  It never fails that whatever is heavy on my mind(whether I realize it or not) comes to the forefront of my thoughts on these walks.  Whether it is the fresh air, quiet or melodic pattern of walking a familiar path, I always feel a greater sense of clarity.  Some of it is for that few minutes in the morning I do not look at my phone, I do not feel compelled to answer emails or texts.

Another way that I self care is doing my nails regularly.  If you go back a few posts, you can see my DIY nail tutorial.  I love having a fresh manicure, but a trip to the nail salon to not often in the budget .... money or time.  I don't know what it is about having a fresh manicure?  I guess it is the feeling of being put together, even when I am still wearing yesterdays mascara and sweaty yoga pants. I feel like the bit of pampering in the evening when the kids are in bed re-aligns me as a woman.  For that moment I am just a woman taking care of myself.

Self-Care is important.  It is vital to care for yourself so that you can properly and effectively care for your family.  It is harder than it seems to create time in our frantic life, but it is precious when done right. What can you try this week to care for you?


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